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Yes, you can publish a book!

We’ve helped many authors just like you, publish a book. Transforming your hard work into a book has never been easier. We'll guide you through 5 easy stages in our publishing process.

5 Simple steps to publishing a book with Springer

Idea © Springer Nature 2020

Develop an Idea 

Every great book starts with an idea. Our experienced publishing editors can help to craft an idea into something book-worthy. Share your idea with us and one of our editors will get back to you.

Share your idea!

Proposal © Springer Nature 2020

Submit a Proposal 

Once your idea has been fleshed out, we ask authors to submit a formal proposal. This may include your working title, who the book is intended for, who will be involved in writing the book, and a timeline around when you would like to have it finished. If you have an idea ready to go, send it to us & one of our editors will reach out to you with more information. 

Pitch the idea to us!

Manuscript © Springer Nature 2020

Prepare your Manuscript 

We will guide you through the process, with templates and instructions to make the process as simple as possible. We also offer free, multi-language resources to help you write, submit & publish your manuscript in English.

Check out our Manuscript Guidelines

Publication © Springer Nature 2020

Publish your Book

Our team of knowledgeable professionals will guide your project from manuscript submission to publication. Once your draft manuscript is complete, our teams will guide your project through formatting & type setting to turn your words into a book, which is then available in 3 formats: eBook, Print Book & MyCopy. You can also keep track of where your book is in the publication process in real-time by signing up for automated notifications through our online tracker. 

Learn more about book formats

Promotion © Springer Nature 2020

Share your Book

To reach the greatest number and widest range of readers, we apply an effective mix of marketing and promotion for your book. Upon publication, your book automatically gets a promotional homepage. Authors are also supported on how to communicate your published book to peers and the broader community. Interested in the impact of your book? The Book Performance Data, available on Springerlink shows the book’s usage, citations and Altmetric scores. 

More resources for marketing your book

Did you know publishing a book can...?

  • Connect

    Connect you with your research community

    Publishing a book will allow you to connect with other professionals and scholars from the same community, opening up the potential for future collaboration and providing new opportunities in the field.

  • Accelerate

    Accelerate your career

    You’ve worked incredibly hard and are an expert in your field. Publishing a book is a powerful tool in expanding your authority and advancing your career.

  • Build

    Build your reputation and cement your legacy

    Your book will never go “out of print” you will leave a permanent mark of your life and work.

Publishing 101: Chemistry Books

Dr. Charlotte Hollingworth, Executive Editor for Springer Chemistry books takes authors through the step to publishing their first or their 21st book.