Dr. Arya Ramachandran Nair
Associate Editor Earth and Environmental SciencesTiergartenstraße 17
69121 Heidelberg
About Me
I am an environmental scientist by training and have a PhD in application of satellite remote sensing techniques for environmental monitoring. At my current role with Springer Nature, I manage a portfolio of 12 earth and environmental sciences journals. I am interested in developing these journals and attract the quality research publications to have a greater impact by offering a great and trustworthy platform for the authors to publish their valuable research work. I am looking forward to publishing the best findings in the fields of environmental monitoring, pollution assessment, geochemistry, biometeoroloy, paleolimnology, archaeobotany and the safety in extreme environment. I am always happy to hear from you about any new ideas of special issues fitting the scope of the journal in my list. I am also open for discussion of a new journal proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Aquatic Geochemistry
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Geochemical Transactions
International Journal of Biometeorology
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Regional Environmental Change
Safety in Extreme Environments
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution