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Book discounts for authors & editors

Book authors, editors, chapter authors, co-authors, Editors-in-chief, and Editorial Board members are entitled to order Springer books — print and electronic versions — at a special discount. The quantity of books ordered must be in the normal range for private use. Resale is not permitted.

How to get your author discount on our Springer Nature Link webshop 

To place an order, you will need an account on Springer Nature Link. If you already have an account, just log in with your email address and password via our login/registration page. If you don't have an account you can request to have one set up for you here

Request your author discount 

For more information on requesting your author discount, see our support portal page.

Further ordering information

  • Payment methods
    You may choose between credit card or invoice (options might depend on the delivery country).
  • Shipping times
    Shipping times are mentioned on each book's homepage on and on your specific order confirmation.
  • Tax charges
    Tax is charged according to the delivery country. It is possible to enter a tax free code during the ordering process or on you user profile page.