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What is an eBook? 

  • An eBook is a book in digital form, which can be read on various electronic devices. A Springer eBook is identical to the print version.

Which eBook formats does Springer offer?

  • Springer eBooks are currently available for purchase in PDF and sometimes EPUB format.
  • If an eBook is available in PDF and EPUB formats, both will become available for download upon purchase.
  • Both formats can be used and read on various digital devices, including mobile phones.
  • EPUB is designed for reflowable content, meaning that an EPUB reader can optimize text for a particular display automatically.
  • PDF content is static; pages are displayed identically across devices.
  • A MyCopy is your personal print-on-demand softcover edition of an eBook.
  • MyCopy books are printed versions of eBooks within a Springer eBook Collection to which your library provides you access via SpringerLink.
  • Each book and chapter page on SpringerLink tells you if the respective title is available as a MyCopy edition.
  • You can order your personal MyCopy directly from SpringerLink.
  • MyCopy books have a colored soft cover, with the interior being black and white. Thus, colored illustrations in the eBook and conventional Springer print books are always monochrome in the corresponding MyCopy book.
  • Every MyCopy book is available at USD/EUR 24.99, including shipping and handling and can be shipped to the following locations: US, Canada, UK, Germany, Switzerland, France, Australia etc.
  • You can also purchase individual chapters of a book in digital form on
  • The buyable chapters of a book are listed on the corresponding book product page
  • After your purchase you may download the chapter as a PDF file.
  • The price of each chapter is $29,95 / 24,95€ / £19,95 (the final gross prices may vary due to local tax legislation, i.e. in the EU)
  • What is an Rental?: A Rental is an eBook which you can rent for one or six months. The rental period ends automatically after a reminder email with the opportunity to buy the eBook.
  • An eBook is a book in digital form, which can be read on various electronic devices. A Springer eBook is identical to the print version.
  • It is also possible to buy single protocols
  • Protocols are step-by-step procedure “recipes” organized in a standardized format that can be executed in a controlled laboratory environment.
  • You can buy a protocol for $49.95 / €39.95 / £34.95 (the final gross prices may vary due to local tax legislation, i.e. in the EU)
Journal article
  • It's also possible to buy a single article of a journal if you don't have access on SpringerLink.
  • After your purchase you can download the article as a PDF file.
  • The price for each article is $39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95 (the final gross prices may vary due to local tax legislation, i.e. in the EU)
  • We also offer annual print journal subscriptions
  • The price of each journal subscription is visible on the according journal page
  • We are consistently working on increasing the number of available journals and to provide you with online subscriptions.
Electronic media

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