About this book series

Early childhood education in many countries has been built upon a strong tradition of a materially rich and active play-based pedagogy and environment. Yet what has become visible within the profession, is essentially a Western view of childhood preschool education and school education.

It is timely that a series of books be published which present a broader view of early childhood education. This series seeks to provide an international perspective on early childhood education. In particular, the books published in this series will:

  • Examine how learning is organized across a range of cultures, particularly Indigenous communities
  • Make visible a range of ways in which early childhood pedagogy is framed and enacted across countries, including the majority poor countries
  • Critique how particular forms of knowledge are constructed in curriculum within and across countries
  • Explore policy imperatives which shape and have shaped how early childhood education is enacted across countries
  • Examine how early childhood education is researched locally and globally
  • Examine the theoretical informants driving pedagogy and practice, and seek to find alternative perspectives from those that dominate many Western heritage countries
  • Critique assessment practices and consider a broader set of ways of measuring children’s learning
  • Examine concept formation from within the context of country-specific pedagogy and learning outcomes
The series will cover theoretical works, evidence-based pedagogical research, and international research studies. The series will also cover a broad range of countries, including poor majority countries. Classical areas of interest, such as play, the images of childhood, and family studies will also be examined. However the focus will be critical and international (not Western-centric).

Please contact Astrid Noordermeer at Astrid.Noordermeer@springer.com to submit a book proposal for the series.

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Marilyn Fleer,
  • Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  2. SCImago