About this book series

Policies and practices of inclusion in education were adopted in the Asia-Pacific region somewhat later than in the West; and they are still evolving as schools, colleges and universities are coming to grips with the challenge of addressing increasing diversity among students. There is a growing awareness in the region that there is a need for improved channels of communication for academics and researchers to share more effectively their findings in order to influence developments in the field of inclusive and special education.

Many institutions in the region have academic groups working and researching in this field, often in semi-isolation. For example, the following institutions are all separately involved: University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, University of Queensland, University of Monash, University of Canterbury, Beijing Normal University, National Taiwan Normal University, University of Macau, Nangyang Technological University, and the Korean University, and as well as other universities. The academics concerned are eager for an outlet for their publications, and for ongoing communication with other professions in different countries and cities. Equally important, teachers, students on graduate courses, special education practitioners, counsellors, school psychologists, and school principals are eager to obtain information and guidance on meeting student’s diverse educational and personal needs.

Inclusive education has been described as ‘…a multifaceted practice that deals with value and belief systems, invites and celebrates diversity and difference arising from family background, social class, gender, language, socio-economic background, cultural origin or ability, with human rights and social justice at its core’ (Agbenyega & Deku, 2011, p.1). Inclusion is thus a core part of the notion of ‘education for all’ agenda; and it is far more than the placement of students with special educational needs in regular classrooms (UNESCO, 2003). That is also the view that will be presented consistently within these books.

Book proposals for this series may be submitted to the Publishing Editor: Alice Xie: alice.xie@springernature.com

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Mantak Yuen,
  • James Basham,
  • Wu Ying Hsieh,
  • Wendi Beamish

Book titles in this series