About this book series

Anticipation Science encompasses natural, formal, and social systems that intentionally or unintentionally use ideas of a future to act in the present, with a broad focus on humans, institutions, and human-designed systems. Our aim is to enhance the repertoire of resources for developing ideas of the future, and for expanding and deepening the ability to use the future. Some questions that the Series intends to address are the following: When does anticipation occur in behavior and life? Which types of anticipation can be distinguished? Which properties of our environment change the pertinence of different types of anticipation? Which structures and processes are necessary for anticipatory action? Which is the behavioral impact of anticipation? How can anticipation be modeled?

The series is interested in receiving book proposals that:

• are aimed at an academic audience of graduate level and up

• combine applied and/or theoretical and/or philosophical studies with work especially from disciplines within the human and social sciences broadly conceived.

The series editors aim to make a first decision within 2 months of submission. In case of a positive first decision the work will be provisionally contracted: the final decision about publication will depend upon the result of the anonymous peer review of the complete manuscript. The series editors aim to have the work peer-reviewed within 4 months after submission of the complete manuscript.

The series editors discourage the submission of manuscripts that are below 150 printed pages (75,000 words). For inquiries and submission of proposals prospective authors can contact the editor-in-chief: 

Roberto Poli: roberto.poli@unitn.it 

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
  • Roberto Poli

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  2. zbMATH