
Series Editor
  • Liangchi Zhang

About the Editor

Liangchi Zhang is a Chair Professor in the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Director of  Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Cross-scale Manufacturing Mechanics, and Director of SUSTech Institute for Manufacturing Innovation, Shenzhen, China. He is also the Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering (FTSE). Zhang obtained his BSc and MEng from Zhejiang University, PhD from Peking University, China, and DEng from the University of Sydney, Australia. Prior to joining SUSTech, He has worked at the University of New South Wales and University of Sydney, Australia, University of Cambridge, UK, National Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, MITI, Japan, and Zhejiang University, China. Zhang carries out research on both the fundamentals and industrial applications in the cross-disciplinary field of advanced manufacturing, advanced materials, tribology, nanotechnology, solid mechanics and biomechanics. He has published extensively in his research areas, with some in multiple languages. His research outcomes have led to significant economic benefits for manufacturing industry. Zhang has been granted many awards and honours. He can be contacted at zhanglc@sustech.edu.cn.