About this book series

The SpringerBriefs in World Mineral Deposits book series seeks to publish monographs or case studies focused on a single mineral deposit or a limited group of deposits (sub-regional level), with regard to their mineralogy, structure, geochemistry, fluid geochemistry, and any other aspect that contributes to explaining their formation. This series is aimed at academic and company researchers, students, and other readers interested in the characteristics and creation of a certain deposit or mineralized area. The series presents peer-reviewed monographs.

The Springer Briefs in World Mineral Deposits series includes both single and multi-authored books. The Series Editors, Prof. Antoni Camprubí (UNAM, Mexico), Dr. Francisco Javier González, Dr. Leo Millonig, Dr. John Slack (SGA publications editor) and Dr. José María González Jiménez are currently accepting proposals and a proposal form can be obtained from our representative at Springer, Dr. Qiao Shu (qiao.shu@springernature.com).
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
  • Antoni Camprubí
Series Editor
  • José María González Jiménez,
  • Javier González Sanz,
  • Leo J. Millonig,
  • John F. Slack

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. Astrophysics Data System (ADS)