
Series Editor
  • E. Jayne White
  • Carmen Dalli

About the Editor

Jayne White has a long-standing interest in education, with particular emphasis on early years pedagogy. Her interest in various aspects of teaching and learning spans the domains of infant and toddler education, play, democracy, environmental education, classroom education, assessment and evaluation. She engages with a variety of methods to support her work, including the extensive and original use of ‘polyphonic video’ - and other means of visual ethnography. At the heart of her practice lies a strong emphasis on dialogic pedagogy, and the ways in which teachers can best engage within learning relationships – regardless of the age of the learner. To this end, Jayne explores philosophical ideas and their potential contribution to pedagogy as a social arena for dialogue as learning. She engages in a variety of research projects that bring these ideas to life. Her latest books are Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and toddlers and Bakhtinian Pedagogy: Opportunities and challenges for research, policy and practice in education across the globe, which is a part of the Global Studies in Education book seriesProfessor Carmen Dalli started her academic career in the Department of Teaching the Early and Middle Years of the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta. She joined Victoria University of Wellington in 1986. In 1994 Carmen was involved in the establishment of the Institute for Early Childhood Studies and has served as its Director for several years. In 2006 she became an Associate Director of the Jessie Hetherington Centre for Educational Research. Carmen’s research combines an interest in developmental issues in the early years with a focus on early childhood policy and pedagogy. She has published widely in the field of early childhood teacher professionalism and has a particular interest in group-based early childhood education and care settings for children aged under three years. She co-convenes a special interest group on early childhood professionalism within the European Early Childhood Research Association and is co-editor of the New Zealand Annual Review of Education.

Advisory Board Members: Jonathan Delafield-Butt, University of Strathclyde, Scotland; Kathy Goouch, Canterbury University, United Kingdom; Tullia Musatti, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italy; Jools Page, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; Niina Rutanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Jennifer Sumsion, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Michel Vandenbroeck, Ghent University, Belgium.