About this book series

The last two decades have witnessed an explosion of research that links traditional child development knowledge on optimal development of very young children to insights from a range of other disciplines, including neurological science, early childhood pedagogy, health studies and critical psychology. At the same time growing numbers of children in the Western world are spending significant periods of their earliest years beyond the traditional domain of the home, creating a new reality of shared education and care that draws across disciplines in expounding a pedagogical encounter with the very young. This series aims to bring together the range of contemporary theoretical, methodological, disciplinary and creative approaches to understanding this new reality for very young children in group-based infant and toddler settings. It will generate texts that incorporate comprehensive state of the art reviews of research to inform policy and pedagogy as well as promote and provoke innovative directions across disciplines. By bringing different disciplines to bear on the educational experience of the very young, this series will showcase new methodologies and theoretical approaches to understanding the very early years of life, pose theoretical challenges as well as opportunities, and assert the importance of multiple and dynamic perspectives.

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • E. Jayne White,
  • Carmen Dalli

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series