About this book series

Outstanding Contributions to Logic puts focus on important advances in modern logical research. Each volume is devoted to a major contribution by an eminent logician. The series will cover contributions to logic broadly conceived, including philosophical and mathematical logic, logic in computer science, and the application of logic in linguistics, economics, psychology, and other specialized areas of study. 

A typical volume of Outstanding Contributions to Logic contains:
  • A short scientific autobiography by the logician to whom the volume is devoted 
  • The volume editor’s introduction. This is a survey that puts the logician’s contributions in context, discusses its importance and shows how it connects with related work by other scholars
  • The main part of the book will consist of a series of chapters by different scholars that analyze, develop or constructively criticize the logician’s work 
  • Response to the comments, by the logician to whom the volume is devoted 
  • A bibliography of the logician’s publications Outstanding Contributions to Logic is published by Springer as part of the Studia Logica Library.

This book series, is also a sister series to Trends in Logic and Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library. All books are published simultaneously in print and online. This book series is indexed in SCOPUS.

Proposals for new volumes are welcome. They should be sent to the editor-in-chief sven-ove.hansson@abe.kth.se  

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
  • Sven Ove Hansson

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in

  1. SCImago
  3. zbMATH