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Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews - Special Issue

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Snow processes and periglacial dynamics in European Mountains

This Special Issue on the “Snow processes and periglacial dynamics in European mountains” aims to publish the most new studies discussing the state-of-the-art research in the fields of snow and periglacial dynamics in European mountains. The objective is to update our knowledge on past and current spatial and temporal patterns of snow and ground ice shapeing thr landscape of European mountains.

Periglacial processes and landforms are widespread in European mountain environments, where frost action generated a variety of periglacial phenomena, including weathering, mass movement, fluvial, aeolian, coastal and paraglacial features. Such periglacial processes and the associated geomorphological changes are being affected by the global warming trend. Despite their scientific value and societal relevance, our comprehension of periglacial dynamics is still insufficiently addressed in the Europena mountain ranges. In these mountains, the snowpack is the element of the cryosphere with the highest spatial and temporal variations. Additionally to the major importance that the snowpack has to isolate frozen soils and glaciers from the atmosphere, it has manifold impacts on water availability, vegetation patterns, and ecosystems. In the last years important advances on monitoring snow dynamics have been done, comprising remote sensing techniques, detailed simulation system or the combination of these through data assimilation routines. However, the high complexity of all processes involved on snow dynamics, hamper a full understading of snow evolution across different spatial and temporal sclaes. A deeper comprehension of snow dynamics in remote areas will allow an improved understanding of permafrost evolution in these areas, together with an enhanced monitoring.

This Special Issue welcomes research studies focusing on conceptual, empirical, experimental, and modeling approaches to study snow and periglacial processes covering all spatial and temporal scales in European mountains.

Guest Editors:

Jesús Revuelto, IPE-CSIC, Spain ( (this opens in a new tab))

Josep Bonsoms, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (

Marc Oliva, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain ( (this opens in a new tab))

Esteban Alonso-Gonzalez, Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère, Université de Toulouse, CNRS–CNES–IRD–INRA–UPS, Toulouse, France
( (this opens in a new tab))

Submission details

Submit your full paper by May 2024 using Springer Nature MEGR's online submission platform. A short notice of intent may be submitted to the guest editor Jesús Revuelto ( (this opens in a new tab)). The issue is scheduled for publication in September 2024. However, if your manuscript is accepted earlier, it will be online with a DOI number. Guidelines for authors are available at (this opens in a new tab). For more information about the journal, see (this opens in a new tab).
