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Biochar - Call for papers: BRICS Biochar

The following special issue in Biochar is open for submissions. The submission deadline is Jan 31, 2024.

Call for papers: BRICS Biochar

Lead Guest Editor:

Yilai Lou, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Guest Editors:

Ranjan Bhattacharyya, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India

Anna Yudina, V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Russian Federation

Aims and Scope:

During the 2022 BRICS conference, the five BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have together focused on green and low-carbon development in agriculture. Due to its strong resistance to decomposition, great specific surface area and abundant pores, biochar as well as biochar-based products have been widely applied to improve soil fertility, to increase carbon sequestration, to remedy soil contamination, to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and to reduce agricultural non-point source pollution. However, mechanisms underlying the biochar roles in sustaining agriculture remain underexplored, and developing new biochar application approaches and biochar-based products is needed to better underpin green agriculture. This special issue specially focusing on the latest advances in biochar roles in agricultural sustainability in BRICS countries aims to promote scholarly communications among the BRICS countries and to share the relevant research achievements with the world. This will be significant for advancing biochar science and for informing biochar application for sustainable agriculture.

Possible Topics:

• New biochar application approaches and biochar-based products for sustainable agriculture.
• Novel insights into how and why biochar amendment regulates soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions.
• New findings about biochar roles in soil contamination remediation.
• New knowledges on how and why biochar amendment affect soil fertility and biodiversity.
