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Human-Intelligent Systems Integration - Top Downloaded Articles 2022

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles in 2022, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have published in the journal. We hope that you will find the articles interesting.

A unified view of a human digital twin (this opens in a new tab), by Michael E. Miller & Emily Spatz 

The effects of technology on incarcerated student motivation and engagement in classroom-based learning, (this opens in a new tab) by Johannes Adedokun Badejo & Joyram Chakraborty 

Chronic kidney disease: a prediction and comparison of ensemble and basic classifiers performance (this opens in a new tab), by Vikas Chaurasia, Mithilesh Kumar Pandey & Saurabh Pal 

Recognition and analysis of kawaii style for fashion clothing through deep learning (this opens in a new tab), by Dan Zhu, Xiaojun Lai & Pei-Luen Patrick Rau 

Resistance, diseconomies, and abnormal AI behavior in HRM: a real-time big data action research experiment at a pharmaceutical (this opens in a new tab), by Kenneth David Strang 

Estimating operationalized intent using random forests (this opens in a new tab), by Michael F. Schneider, Nicholas Engle, Michael E. Miller & Gilbert L. Peterson 

Arabic web accessibility analysis: findings from a usability study of Arabian web developers (this opens in a new tab), by Mona M. Alnahari, Joyram Chakraborty, Mona Mohamed & Aisha Ali-Gombe 
