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Pulmonary Therapy
Publishing model:
Open access

Pulmonary Therapy - Digital Features

Pulmonary Therapy offers a range of additional features designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content.

The journal provides the option to include various types of digital features alongside a manuscript including: animated abstracts, video abstracts, slide decks, audio slides, instructional videos, infographics, podcasts and animations. All additional features are peer-reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself. Our editorial team are also able to create high-quality slide decks and infographics in-house, and video abstracts through our partner Research Square.

For further information about digital features, please contact the journal editor (see ‘Contact the Journal (this opens in a new tab)’ for email address), and see the ‘Guidelines for digital features and plain language summaries’ document under ‘Submission guidelines (this opens in a new tab)’.

You can also visit our showcase page at Springer Healthcare which provides examples of the above: (this opens in a new tab)
