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Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion - Call for Papers: Advances in Dental Materials

There is an imminent need to understand and mitigate the degradation of dental materials to optimize their use in implants and veneer treatments. Such problems also provide opportunities for the development of new materials and innovative strategies to improve the durability of dental materials into the oral cavity.

The Journal of Bio- and Tribo- Corrosion invites authors to contribute their research articles, short communications, or review articles to the Topical Collection: “Advances in Dental Materials”. 

Topics of papers submitted to the Collection are expected to address one of the following topics:

  • Ceramic, metallic, polymeric, and composite materials for dental applications.
  • Surface coatings for dental applications.
  • Development of models to mimic the bio-tribo-chemical degradation mechanism of the oral cavity.
  • In vitro and in vivo degradation assessment of dental materials.
  • Microbial corrosion/degradation of dental materials.
  • Strategies to increase the long-term durability of dental materials.
  • Biological implication of dental materials wear particles.

When submitting your paper, please refer to Instructions for Authors (this opens in a new tab)  for detailed information about submitting your paper.

Article publication will be continuous, i.e. articles are published on-line in the special issue following acceptance. No publication fee is applied to traditional subscription access publications, but those who wish to publish their work as an Open Access article will be subject to the journal’s Open Choice Article Processing Charge.

I hope that you will encourage the efforts and the success of this unique journal as well as this research topic.

Please do not hesitate to contact Guest Editor Prof. Valentim Barao ( (this opens in a new tab)) or the publishing Editor Brock Madsen ( (this opens in a new tab)) if you have any question.
