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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - Call for Papers: Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: Building on Jack Michael's Legacy

Submission deadline: August 1, 2022

Issue Publication: June 2023

Guest Associate Editors: Dr. Mirela Cengher, Dr. Danielle LaFrance, and Dr. Caio Miguel

Jack Michael was a prolific behavior analyst and scientist whose teaching and research refined the concept of motivation in the field of behavior analysis, described Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (1957), and applied behavioral principles to language acquisition. The purpose of the special issue will be to highlight empirical research and conceptual/theoretical articles that are based on Jack Michael’s research. Example topic areas include, but are not limited to, verbal behavior, motivating operations, multiple control, reinforcement, verbal mediation and private events, language acquisition, teaching of behavior analysis, and applications of behavioral principles to practice.
