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Aims and scope

Journal of Management Control (JoMaC) is an international journal concerned with the formal, information-based routines and procedures managers use to maintain or alter patterns in organizational activities. Particular emphasis is placed on operational and strategic planning and control systems and their (management) accounting processes and techniques.

JoMaC has a strong reputation as a dedicated academic journal for high quality research on all aspects of management accounting and management control.

Journal of Management Control covers such topics as: the role of management control systems for the management of companies and non-profit organizations; the design and use of financial planning sys­tems for production, marketing, logistics and other fields of use; the interaction between strategic and operational aspects of management control; the role of management accountants and their interactions with other departments as well as internal and external service providers, such as marketing, operational managers, financial accountants and auditors; change and sustainability of management control systems.

Journal of Management Control especially welcomes empirical and analytical papers reflecting both methodological rigor and practical relevance that make a significant contribution to literature. The journal is interested in literature reviews and meta-analyses showcasing and promoting current academic research. We are highly interested in empirical qualita­tive and quantitative papers and in new methods and topics not so much covered by mainstream journals.

Journal of Management Control publishes special issues covering specific research topics such as “Management Control in Family Firms”, “Top Management Impact on Management Control” or “Impact of Corporate Governance Reforms on Management Control”.

Papers are published in English. Submissions must follow the journal’s Style Guide, including formatting, length, and references. Papers are subject to a two-level (editor and reviewers) double-blind review process which can be tracked by authors on our Editorial Manager® system. JoMaC has a traditionally short turnaround time for a first decision on submitted papers. Accepted papers are published “Online First” 20 to 25 days after acceptance.

The JoMaC Best Reviewer Award is granted each year in recognition of the outstanding efforts and contri­butions of the journal’s reviewers.

JoMaC is available in more than 8,000 libraries and institutions around the world. The journal is published four times a year in print, online or open access at .

Officially cited as: J Manag Control 

