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Journal of Community Genetics - CALL FOR PAPERS - COLLECTION

Global accessibility and applicability of polygenic scores

Ongoing Topical Collection

  • Submit through the journal webpage and select the collection “Global accessibility and applicability of polygenic scores” 
  • If accepted, a submission will be published online
  • Submissions can include original research, reviews, and innovative methods
  • If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please send a 250-word abstract to the guest editors

This special issue of the Journal of Community Genetics invites manuscripts that explore these questions and themes such as:

  • Developing PGS for use in diverse populations
  • Ethical, legal and social issues in the use of PGS models
  • Policy issues surrounding the translation of polygenic analyses in healthcare

Pre-submission enquiries to the editors are welcome. The issue will include original research contributions and review articles in relevant areas.

Guest Editors

Dr. Daphne Oluwasen Martschenko, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford, CA, USA
Email: (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Sowmiya Moorthie, PHG Foundation, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Email: (this opens in a new tab)

Dr. Segun Fatumo, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Email: (this opens in a new tab)

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