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Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research - Topical Collections & Special Issues

Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research publishes the following topical collections:

Non-coding RNA in cardiovascular diseases: mechanisms, biomarkers, and therapeutic targets (this opens in a new tab)

Cardiovascular Biomarker Translational Research (this opens in a new tab)

Acute heart failure (this opens in a new tab)

What is a topical collection?
A continuous collection of original research or review articles on a specific topic that falls within the discipline of the journal. Articles included in a topical collection may also be selected for a special issue. All submissions to a topical collection are assessed by a handling Editor and the Editor-in-Chief and undergo peer review in the journal’s peer review system by at least two external experts. Publication in a Topical Collection provides an additional possibility to draw the attention of the audience interested in a specific theme.

How to submit?
Submit your article to one of the topical collections by clicking on the Submit manuscript (this opens in a new tab) button on the home page. During submission authors can choose to submit their article to a topical collection or a special issue.
The general submission guidelines can be found here (this opens in a new tab)
