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Tropical Plant Biology - Endorsements

Michael Freeling, Professor, University of California, Berkeley, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA

"So much of evolutionary innovation happened in the tropics, and is still happening. In plants, so often the basal genera of successful lineages-- the out-groups-- are represented today by a few tropical species, and understanding these is necessary to understand origins, and the biological meanings within our ever-growing sequence databases. Additionally, there are so many economically important tropical species. It is my pleasure to endorse the niche journal Tropical Plant Biology as a timely and useful addition to our biology journals and the Springer family. The leadership of Ray Ming and Paul Moore, co Editors-in-Chief should ensure high quality at the launch. I'm looking forward to pointing my browser at Tropical Plant Biology."

Detlef Weigel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany

“This is a wonderful project that will fill an obvious lacuna in modern plant biology.”

Thomas Mitchell-Olds, Professor, Department of Biology, Duke University, USA

“This journal fills an important need, for an area of rapid scientific growth which matters to many people around the world.”

Steven D. Tanksley, Professor, Cornell University, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA

“Tropical species represent a major part of agricultural and international trade. As genomic sequencing and the tools of genomics spread to tropical species, there will be the need for a high quality journal to handle the many reports that will be forthcoming. Tropical Plant Biology is posed to fill this niche and should thus be highly successful.”

Peter A. Peterson, Professor of Agronomy; Genetics, Development & Cell Biology (GDCB), Iowa State University, USA

“Tropical Plant Biology will be a major resource for the currently expanding studies on the molecular biology and genomics of this very significant group of tropical plants. There are many interesting and unique developments being uncovered and this new journal will provide a ready resource for investigators.”
