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Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion - Three Alloy Phase Diagram Committee Members Honored with Awards from ASM International in 2023

Fellow of ASM International

Dr. Shuanglin Chen, FASMNew Content Item

“For a significant contribution on the thermodynamics and kinetic calculations by developing the Pandat Software.”

Congratulations, Shuanglin!

Engineering Materials Achievement Award

New Content ItemDr. Govindarajan Muralidharan, FASM

“For the design, manufacturing, and commercialization of furnace components such as heat-treatment furnace rolls and radiant burner tubes fabricated using novel cast alumina-forming austenitic stainless steels.”

Congratulations, Murali!

The team receiving the award also includes: from Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mr. Sujit Das, Dr. Michael P. Brady, FASM, Donovan Leonard, Roger Miller, Dr. Govindarajan Muralidharan, FASM, and Dr. Yukinori Yamamoto; from Cleveland Cliffs: Dr. Tanya Ros-Yanez and Mr. Stanley Fauske; from Metaltek International: Mr. Jim Myers; and from Duraloy Technologies: Mr. Roman I. Pankiw, Mr. Ryan Richter, and Mr. Daniel Limpert.

J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award

Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao, FASMNew Content Item

“For developing highly efficient methods that employ combinatorial principles, and successfully applying them to the determination of phase diagrams, diffusion coefficients, and physical properties in alloy systems.”

Congratulations, JC!
