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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

On the Cutting Edge of Modern Developments in Psychotherapy

Publishing model:

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy - 6th Annual Psyche Award Recipients

Most valuable article on Depression and Suicide:  Huggett, C., Gooding, P., Haddock, G., Quigley, J., & Pratt, D. (2022). The relationship between the therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy and suicidal experiences: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29, 1203-1235.

Most valuable paper on Anxiety Disorders and Trauma:  Papola, D., Ostuzzi, G., Tedeschi, F., Gastaldon, C., Purgato, M., Del Giovane, C., ... & Barbui, C. (2022). Comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia: Systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Psychiatry, 221(3), 507-519.

Most valuable paper on Psychotherapy with Couples, Families or Groups:  Griner, D., Erekson, D., Beecher, M., Cattani, K., & Burlingame, G. (2022). The power of compassion in group psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78, 1601-1612.

Most valuable a Specific Intervention Strategy – Mindfulness- Based Interventions:  Goldberg, S., Riordan, K., Sun, S., & Davidson, R. (2022). The empirical status of mindfulness-based interventions: A systematic review of 44 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(1), 108-130.

Most valuable paper with Broad Appeal for a professional audience:  Ong, C., Hayes, S., & Hofmann, S. (2022). A process-based approach to cognitive behavioral therapy: A theory-based case illustration. Frontiers in psychology, 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1002849

Most valuable paper that Integrates the Science and Practice of Psychology:  Kredlow, M., de Voogd, L., & Phelps, E. (2022). A case for translation from the clinic to the laboratory. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(4), 1120-1149.

Most valuable paper that facilitates the Understanding of the role and limits of biomedical approaches to mental illness:  Moncrieff, J., Cooper, R. E., Stockmann, T., Amendola, S., Hengartner, M., & Horowitz, M. (2022). The serotonin theory of depression: A systematic umbrella review of the evidence. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-14.

Most valuable paper of Historical Interest:  Kendler, K., Tabb, K., & Wright, J. (2022). The emergence of psychiatry: 1650–1850. American Journal of Psychiatry, 179(5), 329-335.
