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Print book delivery

Information about shipping costs and shipping time, pre-orders and back-orders.

Shipping costs for books

The Springer Shop offers free worldwide shipping for all print books. This service is not bound to a minimum order value. In addition, you can choose express delivery. The charges for express shipping vary across countries and will be shown in the checkout, if you select this option.

Shipping time

If the print book is in stock, regular shipping may take only a few business days. Please note that shipping times may vary among different regions. Regarding Print On Demand titles, the book needs to be printed and then shipped to you directly from the printer. Depending on title and delivery address, this entire process normally takes one to two weeks.

Pre-orders & back-orders

Books that are still in production or that are currently out of stock can be pre-ordered bindingly (only in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania). In this case, you need to conclude your order by invoice or advance payment.