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Yoram Reich
School of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel


Area editors

SystemsAli Yassine
School of Systems and Enterprises
Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Design synthesis

Amaresh Chakrabarti
Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing
Indian Institute of Science, India

Human Studies

Joshua D. Summers
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Clemson University, USA

Industry studies

Claudia Eckert
Department of Design, Development, Environment and Materials
Open University, UK


Matthias Finkbeiner
Department of Sustainable Engineering
Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Research Methodology

Dan Frey
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 

Design theory

Pascal Le Masson
Center of Scientific Management
Mines Paristech, France

Design automation

Jami Shah
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Arizona State University, USA

Design and Manufacturing

Rajkumar Roy
School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
City, University of London, UK 

Editorial board

Dan Braha
Charlton College of Business
University of Massachusetts, USA

Jonathan Cagan
Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Gaetano Cascini
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

P. John Clarkson
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge, UK

Andrew Dong
Design Lab, Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning
University of Sydney, Australia

Alex Duffy
CAD Centre
University of Strathclyde, UK

George Fadel
Mechanical Engineering Department
Clemson University, USA

Claus T. Hansen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Ben Hicks 
Faculty of Engineering
University of Bristol, UK

Kemper E. Lewis
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Buffalo, USA

Udo Lindemann
Institute of Product Development
Technical University Munich, Germany

Jianxi Luo
Engineering Product Development
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Johan Malmqvist
Department of Product and Production Development
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Christopher A. McMahon
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Gül E. Okudan Kremer
College of Engineering
Pennsylvania State University, USA

Warren Seering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Tim Simpson
Departments of Mechanical and Nuclear and Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Pennsylvania State University, USA

Tetsuo Tomiyama
International Professional University of Technology
Tokyo, Japan

Christoph Trattner
Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation
University of Bergen, Norway

Irem Tumer
School of Mechanical Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University, USA

Yashushi Umeda
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Osaka University, Japan

David Wynn
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Deyi Xue
School of Engineering
University of Calgary, Canada

Bernard Yannou
Laboratory of Industrial Engineering (LGI)
Ecole Centrale Paris, France


Advisory board

Takahiro Fujimoto
Faculty of Economics
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Eswaran Subrahmanian
Institute for Complex Engineered Systems
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Nam P. Suh
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Roberto Verganti
School of Management
Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Founding editors

Jack Dixon (retired)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Massachusetts, USA

Susan Finger
Department of Civil Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
